From guesstimates to factimates

Get the big picture

Understanding software quality and stability is not a game of guessing. It should be based on facts and data, delivered by a system that's capable of analyzing it from various angles while modeling long-term end-user behavior.

That's what Profilence is here for: we do the heavy lifting of issue detection and root cause analysis so that you won't get nasty surprises later on. We give you the hard facts, and you will know what to focus on.

Profilence QA Suite

Profilence QA Suite is at the heart of everything we do: it’s our in-house technology platform that enables efficient quality analysis of devices in laboratories and in the field. Trusted by companies in automotive, medical, and smart device segments, the QA Suite provides 360° actionable insights into current product quality levels and trends and is used by product management, engineering, and quality management teams, starting with the first device prototypes and going all the way to aftermarket phases.

QA as a Service

Our quality engineering teams have a solid track record in ensuring high product software quality in various market segments. We cover all QA areas of concern: stability and reliability, performance, energy consumption, and basic functionality. When working with us, you can rest assured you have 360° visibility into your software baselines, and can coordinate your development efforts based on concrete facts and evidence we produce. We are here to help you succeed!