The Philosophy of Stability Analysis

Stability analysis is the practice of ensuring the software under analysis works as intended not only immediately after being released but also after days, weeks or months of continuous usage.

It is used in addition to functional testing and telemetry diagnostics as a complementary quality analysis that can be used throughout the life of a product: from early phases of development to after-market.

Stability analysis helps predict the types of problems that users will encounter over time and how a product will behave after months of continuous usage. The analysis uncovers how likely specific errors are to occur and why they appear. Thanks to stability analysis, you can avoid unpleasant software surprises later on.

In this ebook, we will go through:

  • What do we mean by the philosophy of stability analysis
  • Product development team frustrations that stability analysis can solve
  • Eight ways stability analysis can solve product development challenges
  • What are the benefits of stability analysis compared to functional testing and telemetry diagnostics
  • Real-life experiences and cases from our customers that stability analysis has helped

“At worst, using inadequate testing methods can damage a company’s reputation when malfunctioning devices have to be recalled from the market or receive a lot of negative publicity. Never let your end-users be the first ones to discover hard-to-find defects!

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