How to best integrate continuous analysis into your development processes
In today’s competitive landscape, the success of a software-based product hinges not just on its features but also on its reliability. For government and enterprise clients, in particular, stability and performance are non-negotiable. Stability issues — whether they stem from crashes, power inefficiencies, or performance bottlenecks — can compromise the user experience, harm productivity, and erode trust in the product.
Stability analysis is the cornerstone of ensuring end-user satisfaction. It helps identify, diagnose, and fix potential issues that occur in long-term use before they impact end users, providing a proactive rather than reactive approach to quality assurance. For companies committed to delivering high-quality products, integrating robust stability analysis into development workflows is no longer optional — it’s essential.
This blog post highlights how Customer X, a leading OEM for secure and safe smartphones, has embraced stability analysis as a fundamental part of their development practices. By leveraging a combination of continuous analysis, collaborative efforts, and expert partnerships, they have transformed how they identify and resolve stability issues. Read on to discover how Customer X's systematic approach to stability analysis, powered by their partnership with Profilence, has contributed to their success in creating reliable and efficient smartphones.
Covering the entire supply chain
Given the complexity of smartphone development, it’s critical to pinpoint the source of any issues, whether they stem from the ODM’s base software or Customer X's application suite running on top of it. To achieve this, Customer X employs a two-phase stability analysis approach with every software release from their ODM supplier.
In the first phase, the ODM’s software release is thoroughly analyzed for stability problems. This initial analysis helps Customer X identify any inherent issues in the supplier's software before their own platform is introduced. By isolating and addressing these problems early, they ensure a stable foundation for further development.
Once the initial analysis is complete, Customer X integrates their custom software platform on top of the ODM release and runs stability tests again. This second phase is crucial for identifying any compatibility issues or new problems introduced by Customer X's own development. By comparing the results from both phases, Customer X can effectively determine whether issues originate from the ODM's side or are a result of their own software.
This layered approach enables Customer X to maintain transparency and accountability in their collaboration with the ODM supplier. It also ensures that stability problems are addressed at the root, reducing troubleshooting time and minimizing risks in the final product. The combination of rigorous analysis and close cooperation with their ODM partner helps Customer X deliver the secure and reliable smartphones their customers expect.
Continuous analysis provides immediate results
For stability analysis, Customer X follows a dual approach. Every night, a nightly build undergoes a 24-hour stability test session, acting as an early warning system to quickly spot and address imminent stability issues. Additionally, once a week, a full software release is subjected to a more extensive 150-hour stability test to catch issues that may not appear in shorter sessions. Both processes are seamlessly integrated into their CI system for automation.
The history data collected during nightly runs is invaluable, enabling Customer X to identify precisely when an issue first arose in the development cycle. This significantly accelerates root cause analysis and resolution. When a new issue is detected, development teams are immediately alerted. They can dive into the dashboard, which provides real-time insights into the ongoing analysis and technical details for quick troubleshooting.

Power management analysis has also been crucial for Customer X. Initially, they faced challenges with excessive power consumption that led to reduced battery life. By implementing a systematic approach to monitor and analyze power consumption changes and pinpoint their causes, Customer X regained control over battery performance and minimized unexpected power usage variations. Their two-phase analysis approach identifies if a peak in power consumption is caused by a change in the ODM's software baseline or in the application suite integrated on top of it.
Customer X has also enhanced their meeting and follow-up procedures, making stability issues a regular agenda item. Management stays involved in prioritizing identified issues, setting a clear roadmap for addressing them. These meetings include technical experts from both Customer X and Profilence, ensuring a well-informed, collaborative approach to maintaining product quality.
The new era of SW quality awareness
Customer X's journey illustrates how integrating continuous analysis into development processes can transform the quality and reliability of modern smartphones. By adopting a systematic approach to stability and performance testing — both independently and in collaboration with key partners like Profilence and their ODM supplier — they have set a benchmark for proactive quality assurance.
The combination of nightly 24-hour tests and weekly 150-hour sessions ensures early detection and resolution of issues, while power management analysis has helped Customer X address critical battery life challenges. Additionally, their structured workflows, automated CI integration, and regular cross-team meetings foster transparency, accountability, and swift prioritization of fixes.
The lessons from their experience highlight how continuous analysis is not merely a technical practice but a strategic enabler for achieving excellence in product development. Whether you’re enhancing stability, managing power consumption, or fine-tuning performance, continuous analysis is the cornerstone of rapid issue resolution and customer satisfaction in today’s fast-paced technology landscape.