Profilence QA Suite expands with QNX support
For years, the Profilence QA Suite has served various players in the Android ecosystem across different market segments, offering insights and a crystal ball into how various Android-based devices will operate in real, prolonged user scenarios. It provides root cause analysis when things go awry: explaining why processes and applications crash, freeze, or why performance dips, and analysis for energy consumption optimization.
Over the past year, several Automotive OEMs, who rely on Android Automotive OS for their infotainment, have joined the Profilence QA Suite's circle. We have assisted them in addressing hundreds of diverse stability and performance issues more swiftly than they've ever experienced. OEMs have been able to fix defects early in the development, and costly repairs of late discoveries have been avoided.
However, it's vital to understand that today's infotainment systems are more than just AAOS. They are broader and more complex systems wherein the system increasingly splits into a hypervisor (host OS, often QNX), which isolates the actual infotainment OS. In such cases, analyzing only the stability and/or performance of AAOS isn't always sufficient. If the host OS is experiencing problems, it's highly likely that these issues will inevitably reflect in the guest OS's operation.

For this reason, we've expanded our analysis scope to also encompass the host OS, and our initial solution is tailored for the AAOS on QNX Hypervisor combination. Now, alongside AAOS analytics data, we can extract similar data from QNX, such as:
- per-process CPU load;
- resource monitoring (memory usage, threads, file descriptors);
- system logs;
- core dumps;
- system reboots;
- and more.
For those familiar with the Profilence QA Suite, these in-depth stability analyses are easily accessible on the dashboard, just like the AAOS data you have already been accessing.
Enabling QNX hypervisor support in your projects doesn't require any extra integration efforts on your side: simply talk to our QA experts to get started!
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